Multi-city flights from Lux to Zanzibar, Seychelles & India from €474!

Multi-city flights from Lux to Zanzibar, Seychelles & India from €474!Based on current error fare deal from Lux to Zanzibar already for €156 we have prepared for you even greater adventure. With our solution you would be able to compare incredible beaches of two super exotic destinations – Zanzibar and Seychelles. At the end of your great trip you would experience a bit of an adventure as you would travel to India and move from Mumbai to New Delhi from where you would return back to Benelux. All this is now available for just €474! Note that two separate tickets are required, also read our “Before you book” note!



Validity is probably today only as it is based on an error fare deal. Travel dates are from now till June but the key is to book first ticket then you can book your very unique itinerary..


Before you book.: Note that this is just our suggestion to build some amazing trip. Do not book your second ticket before you receive formal booking confirmation of your fist ticket as it is most likely based on an error fare .THere is high risk the tickets would be cancelled… Note that expenses betwen Zanzibar and Dar Es Salaam and Mumbai and New Delhi are not included.


Booking samples

1st ticket

Lux – Zanzibar & New Delhi – Lux from €188  (Choose Skyscanner NL to see this fare)


2nd ticket

Dar Es Salaam – Seychelles – Mumbai from €286



Travel itinerary sample

Lux to Zanzibar on 5th of March

Moving from Zanzibar to Dar Es Salaam on your own

Dar Es Salaam to Seychelles on 12th of March

Seychelles to Mumbai on 19th of March

Moving from Mumbai to New Delhi on your own

New Delhi to Lux on 6th of April


Booking sample of super cheap Multi-city flights from Lux to Zanzibar, Seychelles & India from €474! Travel dates as per our above Itinerary sample.

Multi-city flights from Lux to Zanzibar, Seychelles & India from €474!

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