Multi-city flights from London to China & tropical Phu Quoc (Vietnam) £355!

Multi-city flights from London to China & tropical Phu Quoc (Vietnam) £355!

Exploring the MIddle Kingdom then moving to beautiful isle Phu Quoc (Vietnam) in the Gulf of Thailand is possible with China Southern Airlines and departing from London. Multi-city flights on this route are now available already for £355 (€419)! Fare is for a round-trip ticket including all taxes and checked bag. Note that there is no visa required for up to 72 stay in China also Phu Quoc is classicied as Special Economic Zone and travellers of all nations are eligible for a 30 day visa excemption as long as you stay on a island.





If interested in this deal with SkyTeam member China Southern Airlines you will find plenty of travel options between September and November 2017. Based on date of your outbound flight from Europe. Book by end of the month or until sold out..


Booking sample

London – China – Phu Quoc – London from £355


Booking sample of a multi-city flights from London to China & tropical Phu Quoc (Vietnam) £355! As per our booking sample you would depart from the UK to Guangzhou on 12th of November. You would then stay 2 nights in China and move to amazing Phu Quoc on 15th of November. Finally you will return from Vietnam to London on 26th of November 2017.

Multi-city flights from London to China & tropical Phu Quoc (Vietnam) £355!

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