If you have enough time or you simply want to visit two countries at once have a look on our multi-city solution to Australia and Philippines. Multi-city flights on route London – Melbourne – Manila and back to the UK are now available from £548 incl. all charges and checked bag. Deal is based on service of Philippine Airlines and there is good availability also during local summer / high season in Australia. (Very limited availability thought). It is up to you if you would fly to Australia with a side trip to the Philippines or vice versa, carriers allow multi-stop solution without further restrictions. (However max stay is limited by validity of the tariff).
You will find limited availability in November 2018 or February 2019. Below you can refer to our booking and travel samples on route london to Melbourne with multi-stop in Manila on your return back to the United Kingdom. You can book your hotel room in Australia or the Philippines using service of Hotels.com. or Booking.com. Discounted seats are available during special promotion of Philippine Airlines which is running till 30th of April or unitl sold out..
Booking sample
London – Melbourne – Manila – London from £548
Travel sampes
29.10. – 9.11. – 16.11.
5.11. – 16.11. – 25.11.
7.11. – 17.11. – 26.11.
12.11. – 23.11. – 30.11.
15.2. – 1.3. – 15.3.
22.2. – 3.3. – 17.3.
25.2. – 8.3. – 18.3.
27.2. – 10.3. – 19.3.
Booking sample of cheap Multi-city flights from London to Australia & Philippines at once £548! You would depart from the UK to Melbourne on 15th of February. Your next flgiht from Australia to Manila would be on 1st of March and your final flight from Asia back to Europe on 15th of March 2019.