*UPDATE* – Now even cheaper! Return flights from Luxembourg to Shanghai are starting at €318 or Brussels €340..
Iberia promo sale is valid for flights departing from Europe in travel period from 1st of October to 17th of December 2017 also January to end of June 2018. Max stay 3 months. This current Iberia special offer is available till 10th of October or until the cheapest tariff is sold out. You can also book this deal directly with airline. Simply follow below link and compare the cheapest options in your travel period.
Latest Iberia promo deals here also compare your travel options there
Booking sample
Luxembourg – Shanghai from €318 (or from €346 with better travel time via London)
Madrid – Shanghai from €397 (Non-stop service)
Booking sample of greatly discounted flights of this latest Iberia promo sale: Shanghai from Benelux €318 or non-stop from Madrid €397! As per above booking sample you would depart from Luxembourg to Shanghai on 13th of November. Your return flight from China back to Europe would be then on 20th of November 2017.