Flying on board of premium Etihad Airways to incredible Sri Lanka for affordable price is possible during their latest offer either from Belgrade or Germany (Munich, Frankfurt). Return flights from Serbia are available already for €395 and Germany from €411. Fare is including all taxes and fees, in-flight meals and checked bag. There is even some good option at the beginning of summer holidays 2018 which is usually excluded of airline´s promotions. (As it is a main tourist season). You can also book this deal directly at website of 5* Etihad Airways. (Where you can easily compare all available travel options). Looking for good value for your money with just one layover on your way on top ranked airlines this is good opportunity…
This deal with Etihad is available from now till 24th of July 2018. Based on latest date of your inbound flight from Sri Lanka to Europe. Min stay 4 days and max 1 months. Currnet Etihad promotion is running till 22nd of January. You can book your hotel room in Sri Lanka throught To further discount your accommodation you may consider promotion code that offers
Booking samples
Belgrade – Sri Lanka from €395
Frankfurt – Sri Lanka from €431
Frankfurt / Munich – Sri Lanka from €408 (Oman Air)
Booking sample of discounted Etihad flights to Sri Lanka from Belgrade €395 or Germany €411! In this case you would fly from Belgrade to Colombo on Friday, 9th of March. Your return flight from beautiful Sri Lanka back to Europe would be then on 18th of March 2018.