Etihad Airways flights from Belgrade to Bangkok in peak season from €374!

Etihad Airways flights from Belgrade to Bangkok in peak season from €374!Travelers in Serbia have some great option to fly to Thailand right in the middle of peak season (and incl. Saturday´s departures) thanks to newest Etihad Airways promotional sale to Bangkok. Return flights from Belgrade are now available already for €374 incl. checked bag. Want to book your next trip to South East Asia without a rush and nearly perfect travel time this is excellent opportunity. You will fly on board of one of few five-star carriers. (Ranked by Skytrax).



This Etihad Airways promotion is running till 11th of August. Travel period is then between 1st of November 2017 and 31st of March 2018. Based on date of your flight to Thailand. Blackout period around Christmas Holidays. Max stay 3 months. You will find plenty of cheap room options when you arrive to Asia but if you still want to secure your accommodation in advance we recommend or Below you can refer to our booking sample directly with airline or via various travel agents.


Booking samples

Belgrade – Bangkok for €416  (Also compare travel options there)

Belgrade – Bangkok form €374


Booking sample of latest promoton. Etihad Airways flights from Belgrade to Bangkok in peak season from €374! As per our booking sample you would depart from Belgrade on Saturday, 20th of January and return from this classic destination during European winter two weeks later, on 3rd of February 2018.

Etihad Airways flights from Belgrade to Bangkok in peak season from €374!

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