4* Etihad flights from Brussels to Johannesburg for €449!

Etihad full-service flights from Brussels to Johannesburg for €373!


4* Etihad Airways offers fairly priced return flights from Belgium to Johannesburg, South Africa. The cheapest flights from Brussels to Johannesburg are available for €449. The base fare includes airport taxes and fees, onboard meals, and handbags. You can purchase checked-in luggage for an additional fee. Limited availability mainly in spring 2025.


Flying from: Brussels

Flying to: Johannesburg

Airline(s): Etihad Airways

Luggage: Handbag only

Outbound travel dates: March or May and June 2025

Max stay: 1 month

Book by: 7th of February


Booking samples

Brussels  to Johannesburg from €498  (Booking with Etihad)

Brussels to Johannesburg from €449


Booking sample of cheap Etihad full-service flights from Brussels to Johannesburg for €449! In this case, you will depart from Belgium to the Republic of South Africa on the 11th of May. Your return flight from Johannesburg to Brussels main airport will be on the 23rd of May 2025.

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