Cheap roundtrip flights from London to Benin for £398 (€488)!

Cheap roundtrip flights from London to BeninExperienced travellers looking for an unusual travel destinations may consider an offer of Nigerian flag carrier Arik Air. These roundtrip flights between UK and Benin are kind of last-minute flights and we recommend to check all requirements including vaccination (Yellow Fewer is mandatory) before you would book your flight.  In limited quantity and travel options you may currently book roundtrip flights from London to Cotonou for £398 (€488).



*UPDATE* – You may also consider the offer of Brussels Airlines offering roundtrip flights to Benin when departing from Paris for Ł383 (€470). The first leg between Paris and Brussels is operated by train.


Booking sample Paris – Cotonou for £383


The flights are routed via Nigeria and you would have to accept longer stop-over in Lagos on your way back to London. We have managed to find the flights in travel period till the end of June 2014. (while the cheapest flights are when departing till the end of May.)


Booking sample London – Cotonou for £398 (€488)


As Benin used to be French colony you have to expect that most of people will speak French only. Benin can also offer quite beautiful sandy beaches giving you an option to relax after you explore this indeed an interesting country.


Booking sample of a roundtrip flight between UK and Benin for £398 below. In this case you would be departing from London to Cotonou on 28th of May and returning from Africa back to London on 12th of June 2014.

Cheap roundtrip flights from London to Benin


Booking sample of a roundtrip flight from Paris to Cotonou for Ł383 below.

Cheap roundtrip flights from London to Benin



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