Cheap return flights from Sofia to Krabi, Thailand from €392!

Cheap return flights from Sofia to Krabi, Thailand from €379!

Perfect solution for travelers in Bulgaria to explore Southern Thailand also next main tourist season 2018/2019 Based on Qatar Airways promotion you can book very cheap return flights from Sofia to Krabi already for €392! This is including all taxes and fees as well as max. 30kg checked-in luggage. Experience service of top ranked airlines (and one of few companies Skytrax ranks by 5-stars). and fly with low budget to beautiful Krabi next high season..



Qatar Airways offers the cheapest flights to Krabi in travel period from 20th of January to 29th of March 2019. Max stay 2 months. Book this discount with 5* Qatar Airways by 30th of November or until the cheapest flights to Thailand last..If you want to fly on top ranked airlines for less do not miss this excellent offer and book cheap flights Sofia-Krabi with Qatar Airways. Below you will find our booking as well as few travel date samples.


Booking sample 

Sofia – Krabi from €392


Balkan countries – Bangkok from €429

Budapest – Penang, Malaysia from €436


If you would need affordable hotel in Krabi, Thailand you can book your accommodation via or General list of current Qatar Airways discount offers here.


Booking sample of 5* Qatar Airways promotional sale to South East Asia in peak season below. Cheap return flights from Sofia to Krabi, Thailand from €392! In this case you would depart from Bulgaria to Krabi on 1st of March. Inbound flight from this classic beach destination in Thailand back to Europe on 17th of March 2019.

Cheap return flights from Sofia to Krabi, Thailand from €392!

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