Cheap return flights from Munich to Mumbai from €365!

Cheap return flights from Munich to Mumbai from €365!SkyTeam carrier Saudia have greatly discounted return flights on route from Munich to Mumbai now available already for €365 incl. all taxes and checked-in luggage. Flights have one short layover in Riyadh or Jeddah on your way to India. Good availability in second half of 2018 except Christmas Holidays. Below you can refer to our booking as well as travel date samples.




You will find discounted seats with Saudia when traveling from 12th of September to 13th of December 2018. Based on date of your outbound flight from Munich to Mumbai. Max stay 12 months. Promotion is running till 15th of September or until sold out..


Booking sample

Munich – Mumbai from €365


Travel samples

14. – 29.9.

16.9. – 1.10.

28.9. – 15.10.

12. – 27.10.

14. – 29.10.

2. – 17.11.

4. – 21.11.

9. – 24.11.

18.11. – 3.12.

30.11. – 15.12.

7. – 22.12.

9. – 24.12.

13. – 27.12.


Need some cheap accommodation in Mumbai you can book your hotel room via or


Booking sample of cheap return flights from Munich to Mumbai from €365! In this case your outbound date from Germany to India would be on 9th of November. Return flight from this country in Asia back to Europe on Saturday, 24th of November 2018. Take advantage of these greatly discounted round trip flights based on promotion of 4* carrier Saudi Airlines.

Cheap return flights from Munich to Mumbai from €365!

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