Another great opportunity for travellers in Benelux to book discounted flights to various destinations in Central America. This time you can book the cheapest flights when flying to Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras, San Salvador, Belize or Costa Rica (San Jose, Liberia) or even open jaw flights from one of above mentioned countries. Look for flights departing from Amsterdam, Brussels or Luxembourg. Return flights are available from €373 incl. all taxes and fees and checked bag. Note that flights are based on Delta and routed via Atlanta, you will therefore need either U.S. visa or ESTA.
The cheapest solution is this time directly with Delta Air Lines. You can easily compare all available travel options just use “Flexible search”. Look for limited travel options from January to March 2019. (Very limited availability also in September or November 2018). Max stay 3 months. Discounted flights are available till 31st of May or until sold out. Below you can refer to some of the most interesting deals to Central America. You may check some affordable accommodation in Central America via booking agents such as
Booking samples
Amsterdam – Guatemala from €373
Amsterdam – Nicaragua from €397
Amsterdam – Liberia, Costa Rica for €411
Brussels – Guatemala from €384
Brussels – Nicaragua from €413
Brussels – San Jose, Costa Rica from €413
Brussels – Liberia, Costa Rica from €431
Luxembourg – Guatemala from €382
Luxembourg – Nicaragua from €422
Luxembourg – Liberia or San Jose, Costa Rica from €430
Luxembourg – Honduras from €436
Travel dates.: This time the cheapest solution is when making booking directly with Delta. Simply follow one of above links and use flexible search to compare all the cheapest options..
Booking sample of cheap return flights from Benelux to Central America from €373! You would depart from Amsterdam to Guatemala City on 26th of January and return from Central America to Europe on 8th of February 2019.