Want to explore Pacific Northwest in winter season have a look on this interesting double open-jaw solution based on service of British Airways. Open-jaw flights from Dublin to Calgary returning from Seattle back to London (direct service) are available for £245 (€281). This fare is for a round trip flight and including all taxes and fees, in-flight meals and 23kg hold luggage. Remember that althought your outbound flight has one layover in London you can not skip first flight from Dublin to London…rest of your itinerary would be voided. This is an interesting option for those of you who are not looking for classic round trip flight rather want to see more interesting places on your way..(Travelers in Ireland may consider these very cheap return flights to Calgary from €327 also based on promotion of British Aiways / American Airlines).
As mentioned British Airways allows to book the cheapest open jaw flights next winter season. Consider this and check what is the weather like before you book your ticket. Look for flights in travel period from 1st of November 2018 to beginning of March 2019. Good availability also around Christmas Holidays. Max stay 1 month. British Airways promotion is valid for bookings made by 16th of April or until the discounted seats last. If interested in these very cheap double open jaw flights please refer below to our booking as well as travel date samples. (Also to our previous solutions with British Airways / American Airlines on route to Texas or Colorado and returning back from California).
Booking sample
Dublin – Calgary & Seattle – London for £245 / €281
See also our previous deals
Dublin to Colorado & California to London £246
Dublin to Texas & California to London £243
Travel samples
2. – 18.11.
9. – 23.11.
11. – 26.11.
23.11. – 7.12.
26.11. – 9.12.
30.11. – 14.12.
5. – 16.12.
7. – 21.12.
10. – 23.12.
14. – 28.12.
24.12 – 2.1.
28.12. – 7.1.
11. – 25.1.
25.1. – 15.2.
28.1. – 18.2.
18.2. – 1.3.
24.2. – 8.3.
Booking sample of greatly discounted British Airways deals from Europe to North America returning back to the United Kingdom below. A this moment you can book vry cheap double open-jaw flights Dublin to Calgary return from Seattle to London for £245 (€281). You would depart from Ireland to Canada on Friday, 9th of November. Then you need to travel on your own and cross the borders to USA. Your non-stop inbound flight from America back to London would be then on 23rd of November 2018.