Based on promotion of Beijing Capital Airlines we have another interesting solution from Europe to China. This time travelers in Portugal may consider to book greatly discounted non-stop return flights from Lisbon to Beijing available already for €399! This fare is inclusive of all taxes as well as generous offer of two checked-in luggage max 23kg each. At this moment also good availability at the end of summer holidays 2018. Althought it is not the best time to visit this city in China deals at that time of a year are usually fairly more expensive..
Beijing Capital promo sale is available when departing from Lisbon to Beijing from 19th of August to 30th of September 2018. Max stay 6 months . Discount is available until 31st of July or unitl the cheapest flights last..Below you will find our booking and travel date samples of this interesting solution (direct service) from Portugal to the capital of China..
Booking sample
Other non-stop deals from Europe to Beijing available.:
Travel samples on route Lisbon – Beijing – Lisbon
19.8. – 2.9.
24.8. – 7.9.
26.9. – 9.9.
31.9. – 14.9.
7. – 21.9.
12. – 28.9.
23.9. – 7.10.
30.9. – 14.10.
Need affordable hotel in China book your accommodation via or If you have booked these cheap flights from Lisbon to Beijing you can also compare best prices for car rental in this destination via
Booking sample of cheap non-stop return flights from Lisbon to Beijing from €399! As per our above deal your outbound flight from Portugal to Beijing would be on 19th of August 2019. Inbound flight from this Chinese city back to Lisbon on Sunday, 2nd of September.