Non-stop flights from London to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia for £493.


We can see fairly priced full-service and non-stop flights from London to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia available based on Ethiopian Airlines promotion. There is limited availability at the lowest fare but by adding a few more you can find many more travel dates including weekend departures. You can now book cheap flights from London to Addis Ababa, the capital and largest city of Ethiopia, for £493. (Incl. all taxes, onboard meals and checked-in luggage). If interested in this  Star Alliance carrier promotion you can find more details of this offer below. You can book your accommodation in Ethiopia via or Below you will find our booking and all travel date samples currently available at the cheapest cost.


Flying from: London Gatwick

Flying to: Addis Ababa

Airline(s): Ethiopian Airlines

Luggage: 2x23kg bags

Outbound travel dates: September to November 2024

Max stay: 3 months

Book by: 31st of August


Booking sample

London to Addis Ababa for £493


Booking sample of cheap non-stop Ethiopian Airlines flights from the UK to Ethiopia for £493! As per the travel dates in our above link, you will fly from London Gatwick to Addis Ababa on the 10th of November. Inbound flight from Africa to the United Kingdom on the 24th of November 2024. Consider that this is based on a non-stop service and is one of the cheapest solutions currently available on this route from London to Ethiopia.

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