Flexible travelers in The Netherlands can book discounted non-stop flights from Amsterdam to Taipei based on a SkyTeam carrier China Airlines. Non-stop return flights are now available from €409 incl. checked bag. This is kind of a last minute deal and you would have to look for flights departing to Taipei till end of January..As is currently the cheapest option on this route there is basically no reason to not take the advantage of this China Airlines promotion..(If you are flexible enough). China Airlines is a 4-star airline ranked by Skytrax
As mentioned this is last minute deal and great solution for travelers that do not mind to depart in next two weeks. Below you can refer to our booking and travel date samples. Booking your hotel in Taipei is possible via Booking.com or Hotels.com. Look for flights departing from Amsterdam to Taiwan only in January 2018 otherwise significantly more expensive. Min. stay 4 days and Max. 1 month.
Booking sample
Travel samples
19. – 24.1.
20. – 26.1.
22. – 31.1.
24.1. – 7.2.
29.1. – 9.2.
31.1. – 24.2.
Booking sample of this kind of a last minute deal from The Netherlands to Taiwan on 4* China Airlines below. Also as per our above link you would fly from Amsterdam to Taipei on 29th of January. You would return from Asia back to Europe on Friday, 9th of February 2018.