Cheap flights from Paris to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic €342!

Cheap flights from Paris to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic €360!

Cheap flights from Paris to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic from €342 return! (Non-stop service). Find the lowest priced deals France to the Caribbean and book your next cheap flights from Paris to Punta Cana based on promotion of Air Caraibes. This carrier is now offering affordable deal from Paris to classic beach destination in the Dominican Republic. If you do not mind to travel to this exotic destination in the Caribbean Sea out of main tourist season this is a bargain deal! Moreover this is based on a direct service. Fare is for a round trip ticket including all taxes and fees. Note that there is no checked luggage and you would have to purchase separately. Looking for a non-stop solution this is in fact one of the cheapest options on this route. Take advantage of this latest Air Caraibes promotion and book cheap flights from Paris Orly to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic!



Air Caraibes promotional deal offers the cheapest flights from Paris to Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic in March 2019. Based on date of your inbound flight from Dominican Republic to Paris. Blackout period around Christmas Holidays. At this moment good availability next main tourist season. Max stay 1 month. You can book cheapest flights Paris Punta Cana by 6th of November 2018. Below you can refer to our booking as well as few travel samples.


Punta Cana is the name of a region in the easternmost tip of the Dominican Republic. Covering about 420,000 m2 (approximately 1,100 acres), the region is home to a coastline of sandy white beaches and to a “town” of the same name. Located in the province of La Altagracia and population estimated at 100,000, the region borders the Atlantic Ocean to the east. To the north, it borders Bávaro and El Cortecito beaches. It also limits with Cabeza de Toro, Cabo Engaño and further west with Juanillo. Peak Season: Peak season in Punta Cana tends to run from December to April. Prices in both airfare and hotel increase dramatically during these times, while dropping in the summer and early fall months. If you have booked these cheap flighs from Paris to Punta Cana you can read more about this Caribbean destination at Wikitravel.


Travel dates.: Compare the cheapest flights Paris-Punta Cana at website of the carrier.


Booking sample

Paris – Punta Cana, Dominican Republic from €342


Brussels – Dominican Republic from €299


Travel samples Paris Orly – Punta Cana

28.1. – 11.2.

4. – 18.3.

11. – 25.3.

18.3. – 1.4.

25.3. – 8.4.


Need affordable hotel in Dominican Republic book your accommodation via or If you have booked these cheap flights from Paris to Punta Cana you can also compare best prices for car rental in this destination via


Booking sample of cheap flights from Paris to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic €342! Your outbound date from France to Dominican Republic would be on 21st of January. Inbound flight from this tropical Caribbean destination back to Paris on 4th of February 2019. Take advantage of this latest promotion from France to Dominican Republic. Book the cheapest flights from Paris to Punta Cana next high season!

Cheap flights from Paris to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic €342!

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