SkyTeam partners Air France / KLM and Delta Air Lines offer once again attractive solution to sunny California when departing from Zurich or Vienna. Return flights to Los Angeles with one layover on your way are now available from €281 (Zurich) or €308 (Vienna). Remember that SkyTeam airlines no longer offer checked-in luggage in base fare on routes to USA or Canada. However it seems that this time you would have to accept travel days from Tuesday to Thursday if you want to score the cheapest deals available with SkyTeam. If interested please refer to our below booking samples on both routes.
At this moment you will find good availability from end of August 2018 to March 2019. Blackout period around Christmas Holidays. Max stay 3 months. Travel dates.: Compare all travel dates from Zurich or Vienna to Los Angeles at website of the carrier. You can then book it either directly with airlines or with your preferred booking agent.
Booking sample
Zurich – Los Angeles for €296 (Directly with airline)
Zurich – Los Angeles from €281
Vienna – Los Angeles for €323 (Directly with airline)
Vienna – Los Angeles from €308
Need affordable hotel in Los Angeles book your accommodation via or If you have booked these cheap flights from Zurich or Vienna to California you can also compare best prices for car rental in this destination via
Booking sample of cheap flights from Zurich or Vienna to Los Angeles from €281 return! Also as per our above link to the deal your outbound date from Switzerland to California would be on 13th of November. Inbound flight then two weeks later on Tuesday, 27th of November 2018.