Cheap flights from Spain to Puerto Rico or U.S. Virgin Islands from €369!

Cheap flights from Spain to Puerto Rico or U.S. Virgin Islands from €369!All three major alliances offer very attractive return flights from main airports in Spain either to Puerto Rico (San Juan, Aguadilla) or U.S. Virgin Islands (St. Croix or St. Thomas). If you are flexible and can book your next flight to beautiful Caribbean Sea in advance you can visit both destinations next winter season 2018/2019 which is perfect time to go to this part of the World and considered as main tourist season. Return flights from Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao, Sevilla or Malaga (and probably more) are available already for €369. The cheapest flights to U.S. Virgin Islands or Puerto Rico requires additional layover on your inbound flight. We suggest to book slightly more expensive flights with just one short layover on your way. Do not forget to issue ESTA prior departure.



As mentioned you can choose flights to the Caribbean based on all three major alliances. The cheapest solution is based on American Airlines / British Airways promotion but you can also choose deal with SkyTeam or Star Alliance. In general you will find the cheapest flights when flying from Europe to the Caribbean from September 2018 to March 2019. Blackout period around Christmas Holidays. Discounted flights are valid for bookings made by 10th of April. (Or until the cheapest seats last). Further conditions of this promotion vary by each of the alliance.


Travel dates.: Vary by each of the routing and chosen carrier. We suggest to compare your flight directly at American Airlines, Delta or United Airlines website.


Booking samples

U.S. Virgin Islands

Spain – St. Croix from €369

Spain – St. Thomas from €372


Puerto Rico

Spain – San Juan from €367

Spain – Aguadilla from €395


Want to secure your accommodation in Puerto Rico or U.S. Virgin Islands in advance onsider service of leading booking agents such as, or Hotelopia. Especiall to U.S. Virgin Islands is fairly expensive destination so make sure you make basic idea about cost of living before you book this deal.


Booking sample of cheap flights from Spain to Puerto Rico or U.S. Virgin Islands from €369! As per our booking sample you would depart from Madrid to Saint Croix on Saturday, 20th of January. Your inbound flight from this exotic holiday destination in the Caribbean would be then on 1st of February 2019. Looking for some amazing tropical isle next peak season and you can book a lot ahead do not miss this great promotional offer. Deal is based on American Airlines and British Airways discount sale. As mentioned you can also choose other carriers..either Delta Air Lines (SkyTeam) or United Airlines (Star Alliance).

Cheap flights from Spain to Puerto Rico or U.S. Virgin Islands from €369!

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