Cheap flights from London to USA (New York, Chicago, Miami, LAX) from £240! Based on British Airways promotion (however flights are in most of the cases operated by their Oneworld partner American Airlines) you can book discounted non-stop flights from London to selected destinations in United States of America. The most interesting seems to be round trip tickets (direct service in both ways) to New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami or Las Vegas. Note that fare no longer includes checked-in bag otherwise this is for a round trip incl. all taxes and fees. Want to book bargan deal with British Airways / American AIrlines this is some great opportunity. (Most of the flights are based on a direct service).
Promotion with British Airways / American Airlines is running till 15th of October. In general you will find the cheapest flights when departing from London to USA from beginning of November 2018 to March 2019. However may vary by each of the routes. Simply follow below link “Compare all the cheapest flight dates” to see low-cost calendar directly at British Airways. There is blackout period around Christmas Holidays. Max stay 12 months. Below you can find our booking samples of currently discounted deals from London to America with British Airways and American Airlines. (Oneworld).
Booking samples – Compare here all the cheapest flight dates
London – San Jose, California from £264
London – Los Angeles from £271
Check also this Virgin Atlantic promotion from London to USA from £250
Need affordable hotel in America you can book your accommodation via or If you have booked these cheap flights from London to USA you can also compare best prices for car rental in this destination via
Booking sample of American Airlines and British Airways promotion offering discounted non-stop deals from the UK to USA. At this moment you can book cheap flights from London to USA (New York, Chicago, Miami, LAX) from £240! As per above link date of your outbound flight from London Heathrow to Chicago would be on 3rd of February. Inbound flight from America back to the United Kingdom on 18th of February 2019. If you prefer service of Oneworld airlines this is perfect time to book promotional deals with BA / AA and fly cheap from London to USA.