Cheap flights from Europe to Cancun from €313 roundtrip!

Cheap flights from Europe to Cancun from €313 roundtrip!

Another great solution with Star Alliance member Air Canada and their partners this time to classic beach destination in Mexico at Caribbean side, Cancun. Again you have to look for flights from Benelux, Italy or Austria and this time also from Paris. The cheapest flights to Cancun are now available already for €313. Seems that longer layover in Canada is required but you can also find a bit more expensive flights with shorter total transit time. Choose properly the routing you prefer.. Some of the flights might be routed via US. In such case remember you would need ESTA…Consider also our previous post with this airline to Vancouver or Calgary already for €342!



Air Canada promotional sale is valid for flights from 20th of October till 16th of December 2016 then January till end of June 2017. Plenty of travel options are currently available. Max stay 3 months. Booking has to be done till 24th of October 2016. Booking is also available directly with Air Canada.


Booking samples

Amsterdam – Cancun from €313

Amsterdam – Cancun from €341  (short layover in Canada)

Brussels – Cancun from €318

Milan / Rome – Cancun from €327

Vienna – Cancun from €325

Paris – Cancun from €388


Travel dates vary by each destination. You may check here using flexible seach. To book your accommodation in Cancun you may use or consider following promo codes that offers AmomaHotelopia or Venere.


Booking sample of cheap flights from Europe to Cancun from €313 roundtrip! In this case you would depart from Amsterdam to this exotic holiday destination on 21st of November 2016. Your return flight from Mexico back to The Netherlands would be on 2nd of December 2016.

Cheap flights from Europe to Cancun from €313 roundtrip!

Tips for cheap flights and promo deals
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