Cheap flights from Brussels to Seattle from €319 return!

Cheap flights from Brussels to Seattle from €319 return!Cheap flights from Brussels to Seattle from €319 return! One more great solution from Belgium to U.S. West Coast available! Thanks to latest promotion of Virgin Atlantic / British Airways you can book the cheapest flights Brussels to Seattle. Note that fare is for a round trip flight and inclusive of all taxes and fees as well as up to 23kg checked-in luggage. There is one short layover in London on your way to USA. Take advantage of this current promotional sale of Virgin Atlantic and book cheap flights from Brussels to Seattle this winter season 2018/2019.



Virgin Atlantic and British Airways promotion is running till 15th of August. You will find the cheapest flights from Brussels to Seattle when traveling from 12th of September to 23rd of November 2018 or 8th of January to 20th of March or 25th of April to 12th of June 2019. Max stay 12 months. Below you can refer to our booking sample and few travel options.


Seattle, Washington, is the largest city in the Pacific Northwest. Located between Puget Sound and Lake Washington in King County, of which it is the county seat, and overlooking Elliott Bay, Seattle is nicknamed The Emerald City. The city is a damp green gem, with an abundance of evergreen trees throughout, and spectacular views of the Cascade mountains to the east and the Olympic mountains to the west. The cultural and business center of the Pacific Northwest, the city and its surrounding areas are the home of the Space Needle, Boeing’s aircraft assembly plants, Microsoft,, Costco, Nintendo of America, Starbucks, T-Mobile, and the University of Washington, as well as a vibrant arts and music scene and an excellent park system. If you have booked these cheap flights from Brussels to Seattle you can read more about this famous city at Wikitravel.


Booking samples

Brussels – Seattle from €319


See also:

Brussels – California from €319

Brussels – Miami fom €296

Brussels – Vancouver from €312

Brussels – Johannesburg from €398


Travel samples

17. – 30.9.

24.9. – 4.10.

7. – 21.10.

30.10. – 11.11.

9. – 24.11.

18.11. – 1.12.

20.1. – 9.2.

23.2. – 10.3.

10. – 17.3.

5. – 19.5.


Need affordable hotel in USA book your accommodation via or If you have booked these cheap flights from Brussels to Seattle you can also compare best prices for car rental in this destination via


Booking sample of cheap flights from Brussels to Seattle from €319 return! In this case you would depart from Belgium to USA on 17th of September. Your return flight from North America back to Europe would be on 30th of September 2018. Take advantage of this great promotion and book the cheapest flights Brussels to Seattle.

Cheap flights from Brussels to Seattle from €319 return!

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