Cheap flights from Brussels to Mumbai, India from €291!

Cheap flights from Brussels to Mumbai, India from €291!Cheap flights from Brussels to Mumbai, India from €291! Find the lowest priced deals Belgium India and book your next cheap flight from Brussels to Mumbai based on promotion of El Al Israeli Airlines! If you are budget travelers in Belgium looking for the cheapest flights to India also during Christmas Holidays do not miss this sale. Based on El Al Israeli Airlines, one of the world´s most secure airlines, you can book return flights from Brussels to Mumbai with one stop in Tel Aviv already for €291. (Incl. all taxes and 23kg checked bag). Considering that flights are available also during Christmas Holidays which is a time of the year excluded from most of the promotions this is extremly cheap deal…we suggest you book this flight the soonest, expect it will be sold out very soon..



El Al Israeli Airlines promo sale offers the cheapest flights from Brussels to Mumbai from 16th of October 2018 to 22nd of May 2019. At this moment including great availability over Christmas Holidays. Max stay 3 months. You can book cheapest flights Brussels Mumbai till end of June 2018. Below you can refer to our booking as well as few travel samples.


Mumbai, a cosmopolitan metropolis, earlier known as Bombay, is the largest city in India and the capital of Maharashtra state. Mumbai was originally a conglomeration of seven islands on the Konkan coastline which over time were joined to form the island city of Bombay. The island was in turn joined with the neighboring island of Salsette to form Greater Bombay. The city has an estimated metropolitan population of 21 million (2005), making it one of the world’s most populous cities. Are you up to visit this city then book cheap flights from Brussels to Mumbai!


Mumbai is undoubtedly the commercial capital of India and is one of the predominant port cities in the country. Mumbai’s nature as the most eclectic and cosmopolitan Indian city is symbolized in the presence of Bollywood within the city, the centre of the globally-influential Hindi film and TV industries. It is also home to India’s largest slum population. If you have booked these cheap flighs from Brussels to Mumbai you can read more about this city at Wikitravel.


Travel dates.: Compare the cheapest flights Brussels-Mumbai at website of the carrier.


Booking sample

Brussels – Mumbai from €298


Travel samples

16. – 31.10.

30.10. – 14.11.

7. – 21.11.

12. – 26.11.

20.11. – 5.12.

28.11. – 12.12.

4. – 19.12.

12. – 26.12.

26.12. – 9.1.

2. – 16.1.

16. – 30.1.

29.1. – 13.2.

5. – 20.2.

13. – 27.2.

27.2. – 13.3.

5. – 20.3.

20.3. – 3.4.

16.4. – 1.5.

7. – 22.5.


Need affordable hotel in Mumbai book your accommodation via or If you have booked these cheap flights from Brussels to Mumbai you can also compare best prices for car rental in this destination via


Booking sample of cheap flights from Brussels to Mumbai, India from €291! Your outbound date from Belgium to India would be on 26th of December 2018. Inbound flight from this Asian country back to Brussels on 9th of January 2019. Take advantage of this latest promotion from Belgium to India and book the cheapest flights from Brussels to Mumbai!

Cheap flights from Brussels to Mumbai, India from €291!

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