Perfect solution for travelers in Denmark to explore vibrant Hong Kong on board of 5* Cathay Pacific! Cheap non-stop flights from Copenhagen to Hong Kong are available from €398. This is for a round trip flight and including all taxes as well as 30kg hold baggage. If you want to experience direct service of this top ranked airlines you have to be flexible thought..the cheapest flights are available this spring. This is also currently the cheapest solution on this reason to look further if the flights are available in the travel period you need..
Cathay Pacific offers the cheapest non-stop flights when departing from Copenhagen to Hong Kong in May 2018. Some good option also in June or September (flights from €447). Max stay 2 months. Promo sale is running till 15th of May or until the cheapest seats last. We recommend or if you want to book your hotel room in Hong Kong.
Booking sample
Copenhagen – Hong Kong from €403
Travel samples
You can compare all the cheapest flights at website of Cathay Pacific. (Or book directly with carrier for approx €435).
21. – 30.5
28.5. – 11.6.
30.5. – 13.6.
4. – 18.6.
6. – 20.6.
8. – 22.6.
10. – 24.9.
Booking sample of Cathay Pacific cheap non-stop flights Copenhagen to Hong Kong €398! As per our link your outbound date from Denmark to Hong Kong would be on 28th of May. Your inbound flight from this cosmopolitan city in Asia back to Europe then on 11th of June 2018.