Experienced travelers have some good alternatives for exploring Togo when taking advantage of this Brussels Airlines promotion offering discounted return flights from the UK airports to Lomé, the capital city of this country in Africa! The cheapest return flights are available from £379! Note that there is a layover in Brussels and an additional short stop in Accra, Ghana, before you land at the final destination.
Flying from: Manchester
Flying to: Lomé
Airline(s): Brussels Airlines
Luggage: handbag
Outbound travel dates: January to March 2025
Max stay: 3 months
Book by: Unknown
Booking samples
UK to Lomé, Togo from £395 (booking with Brussels Airlines)
Booking sample of cheap Brussels Airlines flights from the UK to Lomé, Togo for £379! The date of your outbound flight from Manchester to this country in Africa on the 4th of February. Inbound from Togo to the UK on the 18th of February 2025.