SkyTeam carriers Air France / KLM have released an interesting sale from main airports in Germany to selected worldwide destinations. You can now book discounted flights to Uganda, Taiwan, India, Hong Kong, Canada and more..! Return flights are available already for €371. This is including all taxes and fees and checked bag. (*Except destinations in USA / Canada). We have selected for you the most attractive ones but there are many more discounted routes available. Simply follow below link to see complete list. Note that some of the routes are based on service of their local partners e.g. to India on Jet Airways. If you prefer SkyTeam airlines then do not miss this latest AIr France KLM promo sale and book discounted flights..
Travel dates vary by selected destination. In general you have to look for flights departing from Germany from end of August 2018 to March 2019. Blackout period around Christmas Holidays. Max stay 1 month. Air France KLM promotion is running till 21st of May. You can book this deal directly with airlines. Follow here to complete list of Air France / KLM discounted flights.
Booking samples – Compare travel dates here (No hold bag in base fare to destinations in USA / Canada or selected cities in Europe). Look for flights departing from Hamburg, Berlin, Munich, Dusseldorf, Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Bremen, Dresden, Nuremberg or Hannover.
Booking sample of Air France KLM promo flights from Germany to Uganda, Taiwan, Hong Kong, India or Canada from €371! Your outbound flight from Hamburg to Entebbe in Uganda would be on 24th of September. Return flight from Africa back to Europe on 9th of October 2018.