Air France / KLM flights to San Francisco from Stockholm €278 or the UK £221!

Air France / KLM flights to San Francisco from Stockholm €278 or the UK £221!Flying to San Francisco in suny California is possible on board of SkyTeam partners Air France and KLM. This time the cheapest option are round trip flights either from Stockholm already for €278  (also adding even cheaper option to Los Angeles). or main airports in the United Kingdom such as Inverness, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Southampton, Birmingham, Aberdeen or Manchester. Fare is including all taxes and fees and checked bag up to 23kgs. In some cases the cheapest option requires long layover in Amsterdam or Paris on your way you would have to accept… 



Note that this is kind of a flash sale as the fare is available only today 3rd of October. Promotional tariff of Air France is available when departing from Europe to California between 29th of October and 12th of December 2017 or January to end of March 2018. Below you can refer to our booking sample from each of the cities. You can secure your hotel room in San Francisco when using this promo offer or via


Booking samples  –  Compare travel dates here

Inverness – San Francisco from £221

Glasgow – San Franscisco from £290

Edinburgh – San Francisco from £312

Southampton – San Francisco from £289

Birmingham – San Francisco from £311

Aberdeen – San Francisco from £311

Manchester – San Francisco from £313


Stockholm – San Francisco from €278

Stockholm – Los Angeles from €261


Alternative options from Europe to California

Barcelona – Oakland from €251

Rome – Los Angeles from €401

London – Oakland from £375


Booking sample of this great promotion Air France / KLM flights to San Francisco from Stockholm €278 or the UK £221! Also as per above booking sample you would depart from Inverness on Monday 13th of November. You would return from Califronia to Europe two weeks late,r on 27th of November 2017.

Air France / KLM flights to San Francisco from Stockholm €278 or the UK £221!

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