Planning your trip to beautiful Caribbean isle without a rush and you prefer classic airlines over last-minute charter options consider fairly priced non-stop flights from Paris, France to Havana, capital of Cuba based on Air France. Return flights are available from €418. The base fare is including airport taxes, fees, onboard meals, and handbsgs. Checked luggage is available for an extra fee.
Flying from: Paris
Flying to: Havana
Airline(s): Air France
Luggage: handbag
Travel period: From the 9th of March until the 15th of June (Also the latest date of your inbound flight)
Max stay: 2 months
Book by: 29th of November
Booking samples
Booking sample of cheap non-stop Air France flights from France to Havana, Cuba for €418! In this case, you would fly from Paris to this tropical Caribbean island on the 9th of March. Your return flight from Cuba to France would be on the 23rd of March 2022. Considering this is a non-stop service at the end of peak season this is a great deal for flexible travelers that do not mind planning their next holidays in Cuba in advance.