Air France cheap flights from Rome to Santiago de Chile from €316!

Air France cheap flights from Italy to Santiago de Chile from €398!With updated Air France / KLM promotion we have some great option for travelers in Italy to visit incredible South American country Chile! Return flights from Rome to Santiago de Chile are available from €316. Fare is including all taxes and fees but no checked-in bag. (You can purchase separately). Want to fly on board of classic European carrier for very reasonable price to this usually expensive destination in South America and you dont mind to travel out of the peak season this is great solution althought you are not in Italy to visit one of the most developed and safest countries in South America. If you want to book the cheapest Air France flights from Europe to Chile you have to look for flights departing at the end of November 2018 or in March 2019..




If interested in this offer you will find the cheapest flights departing at the end of November 2018. Max stay 1 month. Air France promotion is available till 31st of August or until sold out. Below you will find our booking sample on each of the route we mentioned above..


Booking samples

Rome – Santiago de Chile from €316


Outbound on 21st or 25th to 29th of November

Inbound 27th or 29th of November or 3rd to 7th of December


Travel dates.: Fastest would be to compare directly at Air France website . You can then book through your preferred booking agent or with carrier. Need to check your connection possibilities we recommend to use Skyscanner. This tool gives you quickly an idea which low-cost airlines are available  from your home city. You can book your accommodation in Santiago de Chile via


Booking sample of Air France cheap flights from Italy to Santiago de Chile from €316! In this case your outbound flight from Turin to Chile would be on 25th of November and you would return from South America back to Europe on 7th of December 2018.

Air France cheap flights from Rome to Santiago de Chile from €316!

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