Air France cheap flights from Barcelona to Montreal €293!

Air France cheap flights from Barcelona to Montreal €293!

One more intresting deal from Europe to Canada based on Air France this time return flights from Barcelona to Montreal already for €293. (You can also check our previous post from Italy to various Worldwide destinations such as RSA, Cuba, Chile or Brazil). This price is including all taxed and checked luggage also there is one shortlayover in Paris on your way to Canada.




To book the cheapest Air France flights you have to look for limited travel options between 20th of January and end of March 2017.  You can also find some reasonably priced flights in Q2. Max stay 3 months. This promotion is running till 15th of January or until sold out.


Booking sample

Barcelona – Montreal for €293  (manual search. Travel samples below. We have based this solution on direct booking with Air France. You can also find slightly cheaper option via various OTAs).


Travel samples

21.1. – 4.2.

27.1. – 6.2.

28.1. – 10.2.

14.2. – 1.3.

25.2. – 19.3.

21.3. – 3.4.

12. – 18.4.


Booking sample of Air France cheap flights from Barcelona to Montreal €293! In this case you would depart from Spain to Canada on 21st of March. Your return flight from North America back to Europe would be then on 3rd of April 2017.

Air France cheap flights from Barcelona to Montreal €293!

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