Non-stop Air Europa flights to Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia from Madrid, Spain for €678!

Air Europa flights to Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia from Spain for €648!


Flexible travellers in Spain may benefit from this latest Air Europa (SkyTeam) promotion offering (non-stop) return flights from Spain to Santa Cruz de la Sierra available for €678! The base fare includes all airport taxes and fees, onboard meals, and handbags. Limited availability though so be quick with your booking if you want to explore this remote country in South America!


Flying from: Madrid

Flying to: Santa Cruz de la Sierra

Airline(s): Air Europa

Luggage: Handbag only

Outbound travel dates: The second half of April and May 2025

Max stay: 12 months

Book by: 30th of November


Booking samples

Madrid to Santa Cruz de la Siera for €678


Book your accommodation in Bolivia using the service of or


Booking sample of cheap Air Europa return flights to Bolivia for €678! In this case, you will book return flights from Madrid to Santa Cruz on the 18th of May. You will be returning from South America to Europe on the 2nd of June 2025.

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