Non-stop flights from Geneva, Switzerland to Algiers, Algeria for €164! (+ deal from Vienna for €186)

Full-service non-stop flights from Geneva to Algiers, Algeria for €221!


There are affordable non-stop flights between Geneva and Algiers, the capital city of Algeria, available with Air Algérie! The cheapest return flights are available for €164 with all taxes, meals, and handbags included in the base fare. You can easily compare all the cheapest travel dates on the website of Air Algérie.


Flying from: Geneva

Flying to: Algiers

Airline(s): Air Algérie

Luggage: Handbag only

Outbound travel dates: January to March 2025

Max stay: 2 months

Book by: Unknown


Booking samples

Geneva to Algiers for €189  (Booking with Air Algérie)

Geneva to Algiers for €164

Frankfurt to Algiers for €185

Vienna to Algiers for €186


Booking sample of cheap Air Algérie non-stop flights from Switzerland to Algeria for €164! Outbound from Geneva to Algiers on the 3rd of March returning from this country in Africa to Europe on the 10th of March 2025.

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